Dee’s Dogs
I have been very blessed to have these dogs in my life and they have all taught me so much!
I thank each and everyone for helping me learn to work with and help others to develop wonderful relationships with their “four footed friends”!


In Loving Memory

MEET DAZZLE! In the fall of 2001, “Dazzle” was added to our gang. She is a beautiful blue merle Australian Shepherd. So far Dazzle is doing well in herding and will be fearless on the agility obstacles. She has a people-loving and pleasing attitude that will help her in all of her endeavors. I look forward to training and trialing this active and super smart girl!

In Jan of 1998, I adopted Tucker, a red tri Australian Shepherd, through Aussie Rescue at the age of 13 months. He came into rescue with his brother. Not much was know about them except that they had been kept in an apartment in Boston. He was possessive with objects and would growl at you if you tried to force him to do something he didn’t want to do. What I liked about him was the fact that the first thing he did when I went to see him was wiggle like crazy, pick up a toy and parade around with it. I hand fed him for the first 3 months and he had to earn every thing he wanted to eat. This way I was able to desensitize him to touching and object exchanges. Each week I taught him a new skill. I also started agility training, herding and tracking.

Tucker is a very fast learner and has become very operant. He now has his Novice, Jumpers & Gamblers titles in two agility organizations. Hopefully we can earn his open titles this year. Tucker goes every where with me. He is a good tracking dog, excels in agility, is still learning the art of herding and loves to swim. His favorite activities are to chase snow off the shovel and to play tennis (I hit the ball he runs and gets it and then brings it back to do it all over again.)
“Windee Hills Sir Rudolph”

One of my special companions was “Dolph”, Windee Hills Sir Rudolph, AKC UDT Schutzhund titles Sch1 & Sch2. He earned six titles in less than six months of competing!! He earned his CD at 10 months of age. He also completed each AKC title in three consecutive trials. Same with his Schutzhund titles. He had many high in trials and earned his Sch2 in two different organizations. Dolph was and still is very special to me!

“Lady” modeling a vest
“Lady” was my last doberman related to Dolph. His sister was Lady’s mom. She was a family pet and lived with my sister and then sister-in-law before coming to live with us at the age of 3 yrs . She loved to play ball and was a great frisbee catcher. She also loved to swim. This picture was taken when she was 12yrs old. She is modeling this vest for a photo shoot.

“Gypsy” was a very special girl. She was big for a dobie and she achieved her CD and an AD title. Trialing was not what she liked to do. She would much rather keep the couch warm while we were at shows. She taught her self to carry my purse where ever we went. She always carried the deposit bag from the days proceeds into the bank and would jump up and give to the teller. Gypsy taught me patience and to love everyone equally. She was a true ambassador to the breed. I miss her dearly!!
“Rosco”, foster dog from UVHS

Roscoe was the first dog I fostered from the Upper Valley Humane Society. Roscoe came into the shelter as a stray who had lost his affection for humans and was very thin. He was curled up into a ball for the first week. It took months of building his affection & trust towards people. I ended up fostering him for 4 weeks. The shelter was filling up and he would have been next to be euthanized. This was not his fault – just the way it works. He is strong and very bold and attaches very quickly. I was hoping for a working home, but a family from Manchester proved to be the right home for him.
“CH Savoys Start Me Up CD & Pet Therapy Dog”

This great little Papillon is CH. Savoys Start Me Up CD & pet therapy dog. Known as ” Skeeter” to his friends, he is a small dog with a big attitude! He is a true performer and loves to entertain anyone who will watch him do his stuff!! Sneezing is one of his best tricks but he also wows the crowd by putting his favorite stuffed toys into a basket and knowing each one by name. His breeder, Jan Berger, put his championship title on him and I did his companion dog obedience title. He is trained though utility in obedience, I just never showed him. He is 15yrs young and still going strong!
“Abby” 7/1994 – 7/2008

We all miss her wonderful doggie kisses… Abby, a 7 year old Mini Poodle, came to us at the age of 4 through a grooming client who was moving and couldn’t keep her any longer. All she wanted to do was to chase birds. She was not house trained, so the first thing I taught her was to “ring a bell” so we would let he out. She is very good at this and we no longer have a problem. She does a kissing booth for the humane society for her favorite activity is to Kiss anyone she meets. She loves to visit the nursing homes too. In 2002, Abby earned her CGC and TDI.
My daughter Kim and Abby have done very well in agility competition, earning a Jr. handler novice jumping title and novice standard title in in 4 shows during their first year of competition. We only go to 5 trials a season. This is for fun for both the dogs and for us as a family. We pick the trials that are fairly close and enjoy staying in wonderful motels so the dogs can be with us. Lots of my friends are gone every weekend. So as you can see you can make it what you want to fit your life style. Some just like to play with the obstacles and never go to a trial. That’s also great fun for everyone too!