Rainbow Bridge
Memorial to Tucker

Tucker doing his thang jumping through a tire jump at a trial many years ago.
Mr. Tucker on May 18th, 2011 moved on to Rainbow Bridge. He lived a long full life and was such a pleasure to work with throughout the years. I adopted him as a rescue with some serious issues that we over came together including resource guarding and touch tolerance – you taught me much for sure.
He worked many a demo over his life time and made so many friends demonstrating fun and fabulous tricks and yes those so important life basic skills with ease and brilliance he was bigger then life. You are now free of your old body – fly fast and join Dazzle, Skeeter and your good friend Abby and one day we will be together once again.
Keep all in line and may you have plenty of Flap Jacks daily not just on Sunday’s 😉
Goodbye To Our Beloved Dazzle
Dazzle would have been 10 years of age in June of 2011 and had been diagnosed June of 2009 with nasal cancer. She fought a great battle and lived so much longer then expected – almost 2 years. Each day was a blessing and a gift for me. See Dazzle on You Tube.
Dazzle has moved on and is now waiting at Rainbow Bridge with others who have gone on before her. I’m so sure that they are running freely and enjoying life with out limits or physical ailments.
Dazzle lost her battle with cancer on Saturday. I was away speaking in Virginia – trying to help shelters understand just how important it is to create training plans for dogs needing to be adopted. My way of giving back for those doggies who live at or reside in shelters.
My daughter Kim was home taking care of the doggies and we had all talked about the ‘what if Dazzle’s time came?’ On Friday Kim called saying she just didn’t look “RIGHT” and was sluggish and above her brown and now blind eye was swollen and what should she do for her? I have a great friends and a wonderful vet, who incidentally brought Dazzle into my life almost 10 years ago. Thank you for all being there for Miss Dazzle. They all gathered at my house and together made the decision with me on the phone that it was time to let her FLY. She fought a valiant fight with cancer and lived a good fulfilled life up to the end. She helped so many of my clients and their dogs over the years and so many have asked how she is doing. I will miss her noisy snoring and breathing and admire her never complaining spirit. All she ever wanted was to be with me and to go to work with me wherever that led. Many of those trips leading us all over New England and Canada.
I will miss her so very much, but am thankful she is now free to soar and be free of that old sick body. One day we will meet again at Rainbow Bridge. She is with many doggie friends who she met on this earth. Some who lived with us others whom she knew for different reasons, who I’m sure greeted her with open paws, some well deserved kisses and lots of cookies.
Just wanted to let some of Dazzle’s human friends know…
Many knew her from working with her yourselves or watching her work with me in and around dogs and handlers who needed our help over the last 9 years. Many of you knew about her cancer some didn’t.
Rainbow Bridge is where I wish to go when it’s my time or at least where the dogs are. Please give your 4 footed friends a kiss on the head for both Dazzle and me!
Enjoy the journey always, Dee
“A good leader takes a little more than his share of the blame, a little less than his share of the credit.” ~ Arnold H. Glasgow
“Blame is just a lazy person’s way of making sense of chaos.” ~ Doug Coupland