2025 Schedule
Position Statement on Humane Dog Training – CLICK HERE
Level 1 – Life Skills / 4 week Individual Sessions or Group Class
I will work with you one-on-one until you can join my ‘out and about’ classes. You need to register and contact me at 603-735-5543 so we can set up a meeting time during the week or on the weekend. These sessions will focuses on self control skills required to develop a well-behaved dog that will be an ambassador for his breed, rather than a public nuisance. Focusing on EYE contact, recall work, permission games, loose lead walking skills, sit for greeting, and leave it to name a few. This is “lifestyle” obedience and not competition obedience exercises. This course is designed for both the family pet dog and those dogs who might go on to pursue competition dog sports. Dogs attending this course should be at least 5 months old. Dogs should not have any reactivity towards other people or dogs. If your dog does, then call Dee at 603-735-5543.
DATES: Starting back up on Saturdays: April 26th, May 3rd, 10th and 17th. Then, we will move outside at Dee’s House (scroll down).
TIME: 3:30 to 4:15 ish
COST: $200 for 4 sessions or $65 per session
CLASSES at DEE’S HOUSE in East ANDOVER (Check back in May 2025)
DROP IN CLASS Puppy Gym & Skills Class / 4 weeks / Dee’s House / weather permitting / Puppies 10 weeks up to 5 months
Puppies 10 weeks and under 5 months of age. Obstacles to walk on and through. There is a short period of time in which to become accustomed to all of the sights and sounds of the whole wide world in a controlled setting. In this hands on class, you will learn how to safely and positively expose your puppy to new things so that she grows up to be a confident, well-adjusted dog. During this class, your puppy will meet new people, play with other puppies and be exposed to lots of props, including hats, walkers, strollers, skateboards and more. We will teach name recognition, permission games, exchange games, loose lead walking will be touched upon plus handling skills.
START DATE: Puppy Drop-in will start back up May 3rd through October 2025. Contact Dee to schedule individual sessions. Weekdays only. Call landline only 603-735-5543.after April 24th
TIME: 1130 am Drop in May, June, July, Aug, September 2025
COST: $35 per session or $125 for 4 sessions paid at 1st class upfront
Level 1 – Life Skills Dee’s House / 6 months to 2 years of age. If older contact Dee at 603 735 5543
I would like to meet with you individually for at least 4 sessions.
We will focuses on self control skills required to develop a well behaved dog that will be an ambassador for his breed, rather than a public nuisance. Focusing on EYE contact, recall work, permission games, loose lead walking skills, sit for greeting, and leave it to name a few. This is “lifestyle” obedience and not competition obedience exercises. This course is designed for both the family pet dog and those dogs who might go on to pursue competition dog sports. Dogs attending this course should be at least 5 months old. Dogs should not have any reactivity towards other people or dogs. If your dog does, please call Dee at 603 735 5543.
DATES: Saturdays, May 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th, 2025
TIME: 10:00 am
COST: $165 for 4 sessions or $50 per session
DROP IN CLASS Level 2 – Still Working on the 4 D’s: Distance, Duration, Distraction, Difficulty / CGC Prep /Open Enrollment Join anytime / VARIOUS LOCATIONS
This class is outside. Please bring a chair. There will be no class if raining. Poor weather cancelations will push out the dates.
Continue to perfect eye contact, recall work, permission games, loose lead walking skills, sit for greeting, and leave it to name a few. This is “lifestyle” obedience not competition obedience exercises. Preparatory work towards Canine Good Citizen and Trick Certification.
DATE: Starting May3rd (continue on Saturdays through October)
TIME: 8:45 am
COST: $35
Fungility Class
This class will be held outside.
Such a fun class for people and dogs interested in learning how to run an obstacle course plus hoopers and tunnels, but are not necessarily interested in formal agility competition. Fun-gility will teach the dogs a variety of obstacles and steeplechase courses. This is running and jumping for fun – every dogs dream! Dogs attending this course should have good off leash control and should be at least 6 months old.
DATE: Check Back
Canine Good Citizen (CGC)
4 week class and evaluation
You and your dog train together as you strive toward a goal –. Please review and print out this information to learn more Canine Good Citizen (CGC) – American Kennel Club (akc.org) Preparing for the CGC certification will be our goal for each team.
START DATE: Check back or register for the Level 2 class.
(Starts May 4th, 2025)
Therapy Dog Class
NMBDT- 78 Regional Dr CONCORD, NH-inside
Prerequisites: Dogs must be close to earning their Canine Good Citizen (CGC), but also want to do pet visitations, visit in schools or libraries so children can read to the dog and those within facilities can get puppy love and doggie kisses. Dog must be of sound temperament (NO REACTIVITY) or barking in over excitement can be tolerated and must be worked on before joining this class. We are now working with the Concord PUP program too.
Please visit American Kennel Club for more information on CGC requirements. This course is specially designed to prepare you and your dog to become a registered therapy team. Each week we will practice skills required for becoming a Therapy Dog, as well as protocol for testing and visiting. We will meet at either Merrimack County Home or various local facilities. Handlers must be willing to use positively based training method. Dogs must work well on a flat collar or front clip harness (no slip choke, or prong collars).
This class prepares teams to pass a therapy dog evaluation. This class includes an evaluation at the last class. (This class is not a service dog class.)
Skills we cover:
-We will work on your handling skills and what you need to know about handling in nursing homes, assisted living, home visitations, libraries and school for appropriate R.E.A.D. prospects
-Applying basic obedience skills in a school or assisted living environment
-Meeting patients/clients/students appropriately and safely
-Need to be safe around other dogs and cats
-Signs of dog stress and what to do about it
START DATE: Sundays, May 4th 2025
TIME: 2:00 pm
COST: $175
Please visit www.caringanimalpartners.org and download the evaluation test or read about it.
Fungility Class
NMBDT- CONCORD, NH-inside 3 weeks
This Class will be held inside. Limited enrollment (4 teams).
Such a fun class for people and dogs interested in learning how to run an obstacle course plus hoopers and tunnels, but are not necessarily interested in formal agility competition. Fun-gility will teach the dogs a variety of obstacles and steeplechase courses. This is running and jumping for fun – every dogs dream! Dogs attending this course should have good off leash control and should be at least 6 months old.
START DATE: Check Back
Smart Dog Class: Fun and Games
NMBDT- CONCORD, NH-inside Sundays 3 weeks
Fun and Games. If you’re looking for more fun to have with your dog you’ll find it here. Fun and Games focuses on the relationship between dog and handler, and on team work, FUN through exercises and games that enhance team connection and skill building. Whether you’re looking to compete or simply take a class to enjoy with your four legged friend, ‘Fun and Games’ includes fun obstacles, hunting for hidden treats, brushing up on skills like go to mat, or stand on a pedestal, jump over a jump, ride a scooter, push an easy button or turn a light on and much more. Visit www.wagitgames.com for more info
DATES: Check Back
COST: $150
Canine Good Citizen (CGC) / Tricks Certification
You and your dog train together as you strive toward a goal – a trick dog title! This versatile title allows you to select tricks based upon your mutual strengths. It’s easy, you choose tricks from a long list. You are sure to find ones that are right for you and your dog! The ‘Trick Dog’ title is a team title and the same dog / handler team must perform the tricks. Please review and print out this information to learn more about CGC / Tricks Certification. You will earn two certificates if you successfully complete all through the American Kennel Club (AKC). Mixed breeds are welcome. If you and your dog already have a CGC then we can use that towards 5 tricks and you will just need to teach 5 more skills. These are simple tricks. For example, jumping over a jump, walking a plank or bridge, jumping through a hula hoop, leave it, touch hand or roll a ball. Loads of choices!
START DATE: Starting Sunday, May 4th 2025
TIME: 12:30 pm
COST: $175
Nose Work Class/Birch, Annise, Clove
This Class will be held inside. Very limited enrollment (4 teams).
This class is fun! Engage your dog’s mind, provide exercise, and create training opportunities. Odors and/or rats. Preparing for competition or just for fun. Have you noticed that dogs live by their nose? A dog’s sense of smell is more powerful than we can possibly imagine. They can easily detect the presence of one drop of blood in a 55-gallon drum of water. All this talent needs a positive outlet. So instead of nagging at your dog to stop sniffing, here’s a chance to learn how to have fun letting your dog be led around by his nose! Scent work is easy for the dog. Training your dog to play scent games means figuring out how to “tell” your dog which odor gets rewarded. This seminar will introduce you to a number of great nose games and show you how to teach your dog the rules. We’ll use operant conditioning techniques to “mark” the right odor and then reinforce it with food or play. Everyone will find themselves in awe of what their dog can learn to do with his nose. Both you and your dog will have lots of fun learning scent games!
DATES: Starting Sunday, May 4th 2025
COST: $150
Teaching Your Dog to Push a Ball
Do you have a herding dog and nothing to herd? How about a dog with so much energy you just don’t know what to do? Tired of throwing a ball to play fetch for your ball-obsessed dog and looking for something else to break up the monotony?
Training your dog to push a ball may be just the skill you need to teach him or her. You can train your dog to push a ball to play a game like soccer, or check out the new doggy sport, Wag it Games BIG BALL through hoops or Treibball where your dog pushes a yoga/sport ball with his nose under direction from his handler. These activities not only give your dog great exercise, they promote the relationship between you, and your dog by reinforcing off leash commands and allowing you to spend quality time with your dog in a fun, positive way that your dog will enjoy. You might even get a little exercise or meet some new people like minded keeping your dog busy!
Watch the DEMO.
DATES: Check Back
Control Unleashed
Dee Ganley is a Certified Control Unleashed instructor: Prerequisite is Dee must approve you and your dog for this class. Especially for dogs that have trouble focusing, are reactive, easily aroused, anxious, stressed or shut down. Dogs that have a hard time controlling their emotions when excited (which may be most of the time!), or are uncomfortable or unable to think around other dogs. If that sounds like your dog, Control Unleashed is just what you need. Small classes and a unique, proven program will help turn things around for you and your dog. This course is based on the book Control Unleashed, Reactive to Relaxed by Leslie McDevitt. A copy of the book is required for attendance in this course. CLICK HERE to purchase the book.
DATES: Email Dee at dee@deesdogs.com
COST: $200
One-on-one consultations.
We will find a format that works for you such as Zoom, Skype, Google Hangouts, etc.
COST: $65 / Half hour
CALL DEE TO SCHEDULE: 603-735-5543